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Press Releases

Deputy Foreign Minister for Multilateral and Global Affairs Attends the 20 Years CTBT Ministerial Meeting


1. Deputy Foreign Minister for Multilateral and Global Affairs Choi Jong-moon attended the “20 Years CTBT (Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty) Ministerial Meeting” held in Vienna, Austria, on June 13 on the sidelines of the meeting of the CTBTO (CTBT Organization) Preparatory Commission. The Ministerial Meeting covered ways to expedite the CTBT’s entry into force and to address the North Korean nuclear issue.

2. In his remarks at the meeting, Deputy Minister Choi commended the CTBTO for its non-proliferation efforts over the past 20 years; condemned North Korea for its nuclear test and underscored its need to fulfill its denuclearization obligations; emphasized the need for the international community to work for the denuclearization of North Korea and implement UN Security Council Resolution 2270; and highlighted the Republic of Korea’s contributions to the international efforts to bring the CTBT into force and strengthen the nuclear non-proliferation regime, including hosting the third meeting of the CTBTO Group of Eminent Persons (GEM) in June 2015 and serving as the chair of the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) from 2016 till 2017.

° The Deputy Minister strongly criticized North Korea, a state included in the CTBT’s Annex 2 required for entry into force of the CTBT, for its failure to sign the CTBT, nuclear programs, and violation of the internationally established nuclear test moratorium through four nuclear tests.

° In addition, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the conclusion of the CTBT, he brought renewed attention of the international community to the North Korean nuclear issue and called for a thorough implementation of Security Council Resolution 2270.

3. The 20 Years CTBT Ministerial Meeting is seen to have served as an opportunity to commend the CTBTO for its role in detecting and analyzing North Korea’s nuclear tests and to further intensify the international community’s pressure on North Korea.

4. On the sidelines of the multilateral meeting, Deputy Minister Choi met bilaterally with CTBTO Executive Secretary Lassina Zerbo, who organized the meeting, and discussed with him ways to expedite the CTBT’s entry into force and to work with the CTBTO in detecting and responding to North Korea’s nuclear tests.

* unofficial translation