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Press Releases

ROK and the US Hold their 2nd Space Policy Dialogue


1. The second Republic of Korea-United States Space Policy Dialogue took place in Seoul on July 5, with Director-General for Nonproliferation and Nuclear Affairs Ham Sang-wook of the ROK Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Frank Rose, US Assistant Secretary of State for Arms Control, Verification, and Compliance, leading their respective delegations.

° The Space Policy Dialogue mechanism was set up in an effort of the ROK and the US to jointly address global issues by working more closely together in developing international norms regarding the space waste issue. Its first round took place at the US Department of State in January 2015.

2. In the meeting, the two sides drew a common understanding that space debris resulting from rapidly increasing space activities of the international community is posing a direct threat to peaceful space activities of individual countries. The two sides discussed ways that they can cooperate with regard to discussions on international norms for making space a stable environment.

3. The two sides agreed to work closely together in making space an environment that is stable and conducive to peaceful uses of space. They also agreed to hold their third Space Policy Dialogue at a mutually convenient time.

* unofficial translation