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Press Releases

First Vice Foreign Minister to Attend the 4th ROK-US-Japan Vice Foreign Ministerial Meeting


1. First Vice Foreign Minister Lim Sung-nam will attend the fourth vice foreign ministerial meeting among the Republic of Korea, the United States and Japan in Honolulu, the US state of Hawaii, on July 14. The US and Japanese head delegates to the meeting will be Deputy Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Vice Foreign Minister Shinsuke Sugiyama, respectively.

2. The forthcoming meeting will be a comprehensive and in-depth policy consultation on North Korean issues, including the nuclear program, and ways to work together on major regional and global issues.

° In particular, the three sides are expected to discuss ways to step up their trilateral coordination in responding to North Korea’s provocations, including the launch of intermediate-range ballistic missiles on June 22, and to monitor the implementation of and toughen sanctions against North Korea.

° Also among the topics expected to be discussed are ways for the three countries to work together in addressing such regional and global issues as cyber space, space, the Arctic, maritime affairs and environment.

3. The ROK government is considering holding bilateral vice foreign ministerial meetings with the US and Japan on the sidelines of the trilateral meeting.

* unofficial translation