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Press Releases

Foreign Minister Meets with US Congressman Larson


1. On August 1, Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se met with Representative John Larson of the US Congress, who is on a visit to the Republic of Korea at the invitation of the Foreign Ministry to the Congressional Member Exchange Program. In the meeting, the two sides exchanged in-depth views on the ROK-US alliance, the KORUS (Korea-US) FTA, and the situation on the Korean Peninsula.

2. Minister Yun, calling the ROK-US alliance stronger than ever against the steadily growing nuclear and missile threats from North Korea, voiced hope that Congressman Larson will visit the inter-Korean demilitarized zone (DMZ) during his trip to the ROK and see for himself the firm combined defensive posture.

3. Congressman Larson noted that the ROK-US alliance, through its contribution to peace on the Korean Peninsula and beyond, has brought benefits to both countries; emphasized that the US Congress will remain firmly supportive of the alliance regardless of the outcome of the upcoming presidential election in the US; and expressed his intention to take the opportunity of the visit to the ROK to clearly relay the US Congress’ support to the ROK people.

° Congressman Larson noted with appreciation that the KORUS FTA, by helping boost trade in merchandise and services as well as investment, is contributing greatly to the ROK and US economies.

4. Minister Yun pointed out that the qualitative scale and the realm of the ROK-US alliance are continuously upgrading and broadening to include not only issues concerning the Korean Peninsula but also such global issues as climate change and development cooperation. He proposed that the two countries further develop their comprehensive strategic alliance in a bid to step up future-oriented cooperation in such new fields as knowledge-based economy.

5. Congressman Larson’s visit to the ROK is seen to have served as an opportunity for the US Congress to learn more about major issues concerning the bilateral alliance and FTA and to reaffirm its support for the ROK’s position.

* unofficial translation