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Press Releases

JPO Examination for Year 2016


1. The Foreign Ministry posted on October 14 a notice on the planned examination for the recruitment of junior professional officers (JPOs) for the year 2016.

2. The JPO program is a system in which the government dispatches with its own budget its nationals to the UN and other international organizations to work there for up to two years and thereby help them become experts with international competency and experience. The JPO system, introduced in the Republic of Korea in 1996, has contributed greatly to the efforts of ROK nationals to expand their presence in international organizations, as can be seen from some 80% of former JPOs having landed jobs at international organizations.

3. Until now, the Foreign Ministry has recruited JPOs. But from this year on, international organizations will undertake the screening processes themselves to effectively recruit talents they need.

4. In addition to dispatching JPOs, the Foreign Ministry is making various efforts, including operating its “International Organizations Recruitment Center” and holding “job fairs for career opportunities in the UN system,” to support bids of ROK nationals to join international organizations.

5. The Foreign Ministry expects many young, competent and promising talents to apply for the JPO exam for 2016.

* unofficial translation