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Second Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Ahn Chong-ghee Meets with his Mexican Counterpart Carlos Alberto de Icaza González


1. On March 7, Second Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Ahn Chong-ghee met with his Mexican counterpart Carlos Alberto de Icaza González in Mexico, where Vice Minister Ahn made a stop on his way to Havana, Cuba, to attend a meeting of the Association of Caribbean States (ACS) Ministerial Council (March 8-10). The two sides exchanged in-depth views on issues of mutual interest, including the North Korean issue and other issues in Northeast Asia; economic and trade cooperation between the ROK and Mexico; the US-Mexico relations since the launch of the Trump administration; protection of Korean people; and MIKTA, FEALAC and other mechanisms for multilateral cooperation.

2. In the meeting, the two sides shared the view that the ROK-Mexico relations are very important for both countries, and took note that the bilateral relations have steadily deepened since the ROK President’s visit to Mexico in April last year.

3. Concerning the North Korean nuclear and missile issue, Vice Minister Ahn expressed appreciation to the Mexican government for swiftly issuing a statement condemning the missile launch by North Korea on March 6, and spoke highly of the Mexican government’s resolute attitude towards the North Korean nuclear and missile problem and its consistent support for the ROK government’s position. Vice Minister Ahn also explained that the North Korean nuclear and missile issue will be discussed at the Security Council soon, and asked Mexico to continue to contribute to international efforts to resolve the issue.

o In response, Deputy Minister Carlos de Icaza agreed that North Korea’s reckless provocations, including the recent killing of Kim Jong-nam and the missile launch, pose a threat to the whole international community, and that the international community’s firm response is needed. He also stressed that the Mexican government will continue to closely work together with the ROK to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula and improve the human rights situation in North Korea.

4. Regarding the issue of enhancing economic and trade cooperation between the ROK and Mexico, the two sides agreed to continue to work together to minimize the negative impact which the US’s new economic and trade policies under the Trump administration could have on cooperation between the ROK and Mexico.

o Vice Minister Ahn said that there is concern over the negative impact the renegotiation of NAFTA could have on Korean companies doing business in Mexico, and asked for the Mexican government’s attention to the issue. In response, Deputy Minister Carlos de Icaza explained in detail the Mexican government’s diplomatic strategies for renegotiating NAFTA, and emphasized that the Mexican government will make its utmost efforts to ensure that foreign companies investing in Mexico, including Korean companies, are not negatively affected.

o Vice Minister Ahn and his Mexican counterpart took note that the ROK and Mexico discussed the resumption of negotiations for an ROK-Mexico FTA in their vice ministerial-level preliminary consultation held in February this year, and agreed to continue consultations to begin FTA negotiations.

o The two sides welcomed Aeromexico’s upcoming launch of nonstop service between Seoul and Mexico City in May this year, and expected that the launch of the direct flight will help significantly increase people-to-people, material and cultural exchanges between the two countries.

5. The two sides noted that MIKTA is developing into an important mechanism for cooperation among five middle powers, and agreed to continue to work to further develop the mechanism. They also agreed to work towards the success of the FEALAC Foreign Ministers’ meeting, to be held in the ROK in August.

6. Vice Minister Ahn asked for the Mexican side’s cooperation to expedite the process for the hearing of a complaint for a Korean who has been held in a Mexican prison. Deputy Minister Carlos de Icaza said that he is well aware of the case as the ROK government has continuously shown interest in it, and that the Mexican side will continue to provide cooperation to the extent possible, though related legal procedures are still ongoing.

7. The latest meeting between the two sides served as an opportunity to review the current state of cooperation between the ROK and Mexico, its key Latin American ally, amid changing economic and trade circumstances in North America, including the renegotiation of NAFTA, as well as to strengthen the ROK-Mexico strategic partnership, including by exploring ways to step up cooperation on the North Korean nuclear issue and various global issues.

* unofficial translation