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Press Releases

MOFA Spokesperson’s Commentary on UN Human Rights Council’s Adoption of Resolution on Situation of Human Rights in DPRK


1. The Government of the Republic of Korea welcomes the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC)’s adoption by consensus on March 24, Geneva time, during its 34th session a resolution on the situation of human rights in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. The resolution was co-sponsored by 55 countries, including the ROK.

2. The ROK government notes with appreciation that in this resolution, the UNHRC called for strengthening UN mechanisms, including the UN office in Seoul on North Korea's human rights, in order to ensure the accountability for human rights violations by the North. It also urged North Korea to end crimes and human rights violations outside of the country and to guarantee freedom of expression online, thereby drastically broadening the scope of discussions on the North’s human rights violations.

3. In the resolution, the UNHRC recalled the main details in the similar resolution adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2016, which had expressed very serious concern over the exploitation of the North Korean workers sent abroad; held the North Korean leadership responsible for human rights violations; and expressed grave concern about the impact of diverting resources to advance nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles programs on the humanitarian and human rights situation in the North. As such, the UNHRC resolution in 2017 is seen as the toughest among all such resolutions adopted by the organization since 2003.

4. The fact that the resolution was adopted without a vote with overwhelming support clearly reflects the international community’s deep concern over the gravity of the human rights situation in North Korea.

5. The Government of the Republic of Korea once again urges all the UN member states and relevant parties to respect the recommendations in the resolution aimed to promote human rights in the North; and the North Korean government to immediately stop violating human rights of its people and take all necessary measures to sincerely implement the UNHRC resolution.

* unofficial translation