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ROK Government to Send Condolence Delegate to European Ceremony of Honour for Former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl


1. Regarding the passing of former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl (June 16), the government of the Republic of Korea will send a condolence delegate, leader of the Minjoo Party of Korea Choo Mi-ae, to the European Ceremony of Honour for the former German Chancellor, to be held in the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France, on July 1.

o The EU has decided to hold the European Ceremony of Honour for the first time in history as a sign of respect for former Chancellor Kohl, who contributed to the unification of Germany and the integration of Europe.

o The Ceremony will be attended by leaders of major countries, including German Chancellor Merkel, French President Macron, and European Commission President Juncker.

2. Former Chancellor Helmut Kohl, who announced the “ten-point plan for German unity” during his term as the Chancellor of West Germany (1982-1998), has been revered as the “father of German unification” and the “first Chancellor of a unified Germany.” He has also been considered a great leader who changed the course of German and European history, including by actively pursuing the introduction of the euro and the integration of Europe.

o Former Chancellor Helmut Kohl made a state visit to the ROK in March 1993. During the visit, he shared his valuable experience of German unification, unity and reconciliation, and expressed active support for the peaceful unification of the Korean Peninsula.

3. Before dispatching the condolence delegate, President Moon Jae-in extended his condolences on the passing of former Chancellor Helmut Kohl by sending a telegram of condolence to German President Steinmeier.

* unofficial translation