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Press Releases

The Statement by the Government of the Republic of Korea (ROK) on the DPRK’s Ballistic Missile Launch on July 4


[Unofficial Translation]

1. The Government of the Republic of Korea condemns in the strongest terms the DPRK’s ballistic missile launch on July 4 which was conducted only a few days after the two Presidents of the ROK and the US, at the ROK-US Summit on June 30, called on the DPRK to refrain from conducting additional provocations and rather to choose the path towards denuclearization. Such reckless provocative action by the DPRK clearly violates relevant UN Security Council resolutions and fully disregards the united call by the international community for the denuclearization of the DPRK.

2. The DPRK should never misjudge or test the resolve of the ROK Government to achieve denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula and to establish peace on the Peninsula. The ROK government will continue to stand ready to defend the national security and the lives of the people of the ROK.

3. The DPRK should clearly realize that its obsession with nuclear and missile development and continued provocations will only serve to deepen its isolation and difficulties. The DPRK should cease its reckless provocations and return to the path towards denuclearization at the earliest possible date.

4. The ROK Government, based on the robust ROK-US alliance, fully maintains readiness posture to respond to any provocations by the DPRK and will remain steadfast in safeguarding the lives of our people and the security of the nation. /End/