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Press Releases

ROK Government to Provide Humanitarian Aid worth US$100,000 to People Affected by Clashes in Southern Philippine Region of Mindanao


1. As the clashes between Philippine government forces and terrorist groups in the city of Marawi in the southern Philippine region of Mindanao for over a month have caused the humanitarian situation to deteriorate, prompting the evacuation of about 300,000 residents in the city and neighboring areas, the government of the Republic of Korea has decided to provide humanitarian aid worth US$100,000.

o Difficulties facing Marawi residents are expected to continue for a long time, as rehabilitation programs for the city need to be carried out, with residents having fled the clashes staying in evacuation centers for more than a month.

2. The 100,000 US dollars to be donated through the Philippine Red Cross will be used in building temporary toilet and shower facilities within evacuation centers, essential to prevent infectious diseases in hot and humid weather of the Philippines, and in providing basic necessities, such as water and food, to displaced people.

3. The aid from the ROK government is expected to not only help stabilize the lives of affected residents, but contribute to strengthening the ROK’s relations with the Philippines, a traditional ally of the ROK.

4. The government of the ROK, as a responsible middle-power country of the international community, will continue to expand its humanitarian diplomacy, which aims to support countries and their people facing humanitarian crises.

* unofficial translation