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Press Releases

Awards Ceremony of 1st UCC Competition on ROK-Japan-China Trilateral Cooperation to Take Place


1. The awards ceremony of the first UCC (user created contents) competition on the Republic of Korea-Japan-China trilateral cooperation will take place at the Foreign Ministry at 11:00 am, July 26, during which the winning entries will be shown. The UCC competition was held by the ROK Foreign Ministry to draw keener attention to the trilateral cooperation and to seek closer cooperation among the three countries.

2. The awards ceremony will bring together some 100 people, including the competition winners, Foreign Ministry personnel and officials of the ROK-Japan-China Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS). Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha will present the awards to the winners in person.

3. At the ceremony, Minister Kang will extend appreciation to the competition participants for demonstrating in their UCC clips their sincere concerns and passion over the trilateral cooperation, and will mention the plan to continue trilateral cooperation in communication with the people.

4. For the UCC competition held from April 21 till May 31, a total of 241 people -- in teams or individuals -- from the ROK, Japan and China, including middle and high school as well as college students, employees and housewives, submitted 93 entries, out of which 26 were selected as the winners.

※ The producers of the 26 UCC clips will receive the Foreign Minister’s awards and cash prizes.

5. The Foreign Ministry expects that the awards ceremony of the UCC competition and the showing of the winning UCC videos will serve as an opportunity to enhance public interest in and understanding of the ROK-Japan-China trilateral cooperation. Going forward, it will create diverse opportunities to for the people to join such efforts.

* unofficial translation