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ROK-Laos Foreign Ministers’ Meeting Takes Place


1. On August 29, Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha met with her Laotian counterpart Saleumxay Kommasith, who is making an official visit to the Republic of Korea from August 28 to September 2.

o Minister Kang welcomed Minister Saleumxay, who made an official visit to the ROK for the first time since the inauguration of the new Laotian government in April 2016, and engaged in in-depth discussions on ways to enhance the cooperative relations between the two countries, as well as cooperation in political affairs and national defense; substantive cooperation in trade, investment and development; cooperation in social and cultural affairs; and cooperation on the global stage.

2. Concerning North Korea’s ballistic missile launch this morning, Minister Kang strongly condemned it, and said that the ROK government issued a statement on the launch. Minister Kang also took note that a strong message was sent to North Korea at the ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ meeting (August 5) held on the sidelines of the ARF, and asked the Laotian side to continue to provide active support and cooperation. Minister Saleumxay expressed deep concern over the rising tensions on the Korean Peninsula, and said that the government of Laos actively supports the ROK government’s efforts to resolve the North Korean issue in a peaceful manner.

3. The two Ministers shared the view that the relations between the two countries have steadily developed in a range of areas, including political, economic and cultural affairs, through robust high-level exchanges, and agreed to maintain stronger cooperation between the ROK and Laos, the ROK’s major cooperation partner in ASEAN.

4. Regarding substantive cooperation between the ROK and Laos, Minister Kang expressed hope that the two countries will continue to work towards mutually-beneficial economic development, and welcomed the Laotian government’s active efforts to attract foreign direct investment, including the revision of its foreign investment promotion act. Minister Saleumxay hoped that the Laotian government’s efforts will lead to more investment from Korean companies.

o Minister Kang expressed hope that the ROK and Laos, the ROK’s important partner in development cooperation, will pursue development cooperation projects between the two countries in an integrated manner, including through the “consultation on ODA policy,” to be held this year for the first time. Minister Saleumxay expressed appreciation over the ROK government’s continued support for his country’s economic and social development, including a “project for overall management of the Mekong River Basin”. He also hoped that the two countries will continue to expand cooperation with a focus on rural development and water management, which are issues of interest for Laos.

5. The two Ministers welcomed the fact that with the memorandum of understanding (MOU) on the employment permit system, signed last year, Lao workers have been allowed to work in the ROK this year for the first time. Minister Saleumxay said that he feels happy about the increasing people-to-people exchanges between the two countries, including the operation of four to five direct flights per day between the two countries, and hoped that exchanges between the private sector of the two countries and mutual understanding will be further enhanced.

6. Regarding the recent disappearance of a Korean tourist in Luang Prabang, Minister Kang asked for the Laotian government’s continued interest and active cooperation to locate the whereabouts of the tourist as soon as possible. Minister Saleumxay expressed regret over the incident that occurred amid the increasing exchanges between the people of the two countries, and said that Laos will make its best efforts to find the missing person.

7. Laos is a Co-Coordinator of the ROK-Mekong Foreign Ministers’ meeting this year, and the next FEALAC’s Regional Coordinator for Asia. The Laotian Foreign Minister’s visit to the ROK also holds significance in that the Foreign Minister is the first one to make an official visit to the ROK since the inauguration of Minister Kang.

* unofficial translation