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Press Releases

Foreign Minister Holds Telephone Conversation with her US Counterpart


1. Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha talked to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson of the US over the phone on September 3, during which the two top diplomats shared with each other their views and assessments of the situation regarding the sixth nuclear test by North Korea, and discussed in depth ways to respond to the provocation.

2. Minister Kang mentioned that on the heels of North Korea’s nuclear test, the National Security Council of the Republic of Korea had held a meeting with the President as its chair to express deep disappointment with and condemn in strong terms the North’s nuclear test. She added that the ROK government had decided to consult with the US to seek to strengthen their joint deterrence, including by adopting a new UN Security Council resolution and deploying strategic assets.

° With regard to the recent North Korean provocation, in particular, the Minister, calling it important to block the North from fulfilling its intent to complete nuclear armament, stressed that it is essential for the ROK and the US to step up their coordination to induce with maximum sanctions and pressure possible the North to change its attitude and policy and ultimately come forward for denuclearization talks.

3. Secretary Tillerson affirmed the US government’s plan to enforce toughest sanctions against North Korea based on its alliance with the ROK; suggested that the ROK work with the US to lead the international community in that direction; and particularly stressed that not only should new sanctions be imposed but also the implementation mechanisms for the existing sanctions need to be strengthened.

4. Minister Kang and Secretary Tillerson shared with each other the results of their consultations with major countries on the North Korean nuclear test and their major diplomatic events to come. They agreed to have their Missions to the UN consult further to seek a new Security Council resolution with tough sanctions. They also agreed to seek specific ways to respond to the provocation at diverse multilateral and bilateral events to come, including the UN General Assembly session.

* unofficial translation