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Press Releases

MIKTA Issues Joint Statement on North Korea’s 6th Nuclear Test


1. MIKTA, a consultative mechanism among the middle power countries of the Mexico, Indonesia, (the Republic of) Korea, Turkey and Australia, issued on September 6 foreign ministers’ joint statement on North Korea’s sixth nuclear test on September 3, in which it expressed grave concern over the provocation and called it a flagrant threat to international peace and security.

※ MIKTA, a cooperative mechanism among the five middle power countries, committed to promoting public interests of the international community and capable of doing so, was launched on September 25, 2013, during the 68th session of the UN General Assembly in New York.

2. The foreign ministers of the five MIKTA member states, calling the North Korean nuclear test a violation of international obligations, once again stressed that it severely undermines the rules-based international order MIKTA aspires to uphold.

3. The five top diplomats highlighted the importance of maintaining international peace and stability through the attainment of the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, and called for the acceleration of the entry into force of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT), which prohibits all types of nuclear tests and nuclear explosions.

4. In its fourth joint statement on North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs since its founding in September 2013, MIKTA once again and clearly expressed the universal intention of the international community not to tolerate North Korean provocations as well as MIKTA’s commitment toward peace and stability in the international community.

※ MIKTA issued foreign ministers’ joint statements in April 2014, January 2016 and September 2016, condemning North Korea’s nuclear and missile development as well as the North’s fourth and fifth nuclear tests, respectively.

※ Text of MIKTA joint statement attached

* unofficial translation