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Press Releases

Foreign Minister Holds Telephone Conversation with her US Counterpart


1. Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha spoke by phone with her US counterpart Rex Tillerson on September 15, and assessed the situation regarding North Korea’s ballistic missile launch this morning and engaged in in-depth discussions on ways to respond to it.

2. Minister Kang and Secretary Tillerson expressed deep disappointment over the fact that though the international community sent a strong warning through the adoption of the new Security Council resolution 2375 in response to North Korea’s sixth nuclear test, the North launched once again a ballistic missile that flew over Japan, significantly increasing tensions in the region. The two sides strongly condemned this.

3. Secretary Tillerson reaffirmed the firm commitment of the US to the defense of the ROK and Japan. The two sides agreed to take strong and stern measures, such as the thorough implementation of relevant Security Council resolutions, to induce North Korea to stop provocations and take the path towards denuclearization, while maintaining a robust readiness posture capable of responding to North Korea’s nuclear and missile provocations based on the stalwart ROK-US alliance.

4. The two sides also agreed to continue close strategic communications at each level between the two countries, making use of various opportunities, including the UN General Assembly next week.

* unofficial translation