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Press Releases

ROK-Poland Foreign Ministerial Meeting Held on Sidelines of UN General Assembly Session


1. On the sidelines of the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly, Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha met with Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski of Poland on September 20 for an extensive discussion on ways to move forward the strategic partnership between the Republic of Korea and Poland; the situation on the Korean Peninsula; and ways to coordinate with each other on the North Korean nuclear issue.

2. Minister Kang condemned in the strongest terms North Korea for continued reckless provocations, including its sixth nuclear test and launches of various types of ballistic missiles, in disregard of the expectations of the international community. On that note, she highlighted the need to take tough, substantive measures in response to such provocations by the North, asking Poland, one of the EU’s major member states, to work closely with the ROK in thoroughly implementing the tough, effective new sanctions resolution adopted by the UN Security Council.

※ Poland, a member of the Visegrad group (V4) and major country in Central- Eastern Europe, will serve on the UN Security Council in 2018 and 2019 as a non-permanent member.

3. Minister Waszczykowski stressed that Poland condemns in strong terms the North’s sixth nuclear test, adding that Poland, as a member of the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC), is keenly interested in peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula. The Minister, pointing out that under the current circumstances, Poland, on its part, should enforce tougher sanctions and intensify pressure on the North, stated that Poland will continue to thoroughly implement the relevant Security Council resolutions.

4. Minister Kang, taking note of the rapid advances in the ROK-Poland relations within the framework of their strategic partnership, asked for attention to and support for the Korean companies operating in Poland.

° In addition, the Minister voiced hope that the PyeongChang 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games will serve as an opportunity to boost sports exchanges between the ROK and Poland, a winter sports powerhouse.

5. The ROK-Poland foreign ministerial meeting is seen to have served as an opportunity to discuss ways to increase exchanges and cooperation with Poland, a major country in Central Europe and the ROK’s strategic partner, and to seek a closer coordination on the North Korean nuclear issue.

* unofficial translation