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Joint Press Statement on the bilateral meeting between Foreign Ministers of the Republic of Korea and the Kingdom of Denmark


Joint Press Statement on the bilateral meeting between Foreign Ministers of the Republic of Korea and the Kingdom of Denmark

On Friday October 13, Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha of the Republic of Korea and Foreign Minister Anders Samuelsen of Denmark held a bilateral meeting and discussed bilateral, regional and multilateral issues of common interest. The meeting took place on the occasion of the Danish Foreign Minister’s visit to the Republic of Korea and marked the first bilateral meeting between the two Foreign Ministers.

The ministers discussed the importance of the strategic partnership between the Republic of Korea and Denmark, and welcomed the continued implementation of the Joint Action Plan from 2016, which represents a significant step forward in the partnership setting out 30 areas of joint cooperation for the period 2016-2019.

The ministers confirmed the strong Korean-Danish partnership on ensuring global green growth and sustainable development, not least through continued strong political and economic cooperation within the framework of P4G (‘Partnering for Green Growth and the Global Goals 2030’) and the Green Growth Alliance. The ministers noted with satisfaction the high-level participation and common commitment to the upcoming meeting of the Green Growth Alliance in Copenhagen in November 2017 on circular economy.

Foreign Ministers Kang and Samuelsen agreed on the importance of the 2019 Korean-Danish 60th anniversary year of diplomatic relations, and expressed their support for the ongoing planning of cultural exchanges and activities on the occasion of the anniversary.

The ministers underlined the continued focus of expanding the comprehensive commercial relationship between the Republic of Korea and Denmark, and the importance of continued promotion of the ROK-EU Free Trade Agreement. The ministers furthermore noted the importance of the challenges and opportunities presented by the 4th Industrial Revolution (4iR) and of its political implication on global trade, investment, and development. The ministers underlined the value of increased knowledge-sharing and dialogue on 4iR in light of the rapid technological development.

The foreign ministers discussed the current tensions on the Korean Peninsula, and strongly condemned the DPRK’s continued development of its nuclear- and missile program, including its latest nuclear test on September 3rd, and its multiple ballistic missile launches, which is a flagrant and clear violation of the DPRK's international obligations, as set out in relevant UN Security Council Resolutions, and a serious threat to international peace and security. Ministers urged the DPRK to fully and immediately comply with its obligations under relevant UN Security Council Resolutions.

The ministers discussed the importance of a strong and unified response from the international community in addressing this challenge, including the full implementation of UN sanctions by all countries. Ministers reaffirmed their common goal of achieving the complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula in a peaceful manner. Stressing the need for creating the atmosphere conducive to dialogue, ministers urged the DPRK to reaffirm its commitment to denuclearization and to refrain from further provocative actions.

The ministers expressed their satisfaction on their close and strong partnership in Arctic Affairs. The ministers underlined the importance of the upcoming second bilateral consultation on the Arctic, which will serve as a platform to strengthen the linkage between the two countries over the Arctic.