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Press Releases

ROK Ambassador to Geneva Appointed as New G20 Sherpa


1. The Republic of Korea’s Ambassador to Geneva Choi Kyong-lim was appointed to succeed Lee Hye-min as the country’s G20 Sherpa on November 23,. Ambassador Choi is an expert in economic diplomacy who has served as Deputy Minister for FTA at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Deputy Minister for Trade at the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, and at various other pivotal posts in the economy and trade area. He also took part in the ROK-US FTA negotiations, served as President of the UN Human Rights Council in 2016, and has been chairing the Government Group of the International Labour Organization (ILO) since June 2017. As can be seen from this, the new G20 Sherpa has extensive experiences in negotiations and multilateral diplomacy.

2. The G20 Sherpa, on behalf of the country’s leader, holds prior negotiations on G20 issues and oversees efforts at home and abroad to prepare for G20 summits. Ambassador Choi will embark on his mission as G20 Sherpa in earnest by attending the Sherpa meeting in Argentina from December 14 till 16, 2017.

3. The G20 Summit 2018 will take place in Argentina on November 30 and December 1 under the theme of “employment and education.”

* unofficial translation