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Press Releases

New Regulations Established to Prevent Unregulated High Seas Fisheries and Facilitate Scientific Research in Arctic Ocean


1. The draft “Agreement to Prevent Unregulated High Seas Fisheries in the Central Arctic Ocean” was finally agreed upon at the 6th meeting on high seas fisheries in the central Arctic Ocean, held in Washington, D.C., the United Sates, from November 28 to 30. The Agreement aims to prevent the possibility of illegal fishing in the Arctic high seas and establish the foundation for joint research to manage fisheries resources.

o The ROK delegation to the meeting, led by Director-General for Global Economic Affairs of the Foreign Ministry Hong Young-ki, consisted of officials and experts from relevant organizations, including the Korea Polar Research Institute and the National Institute of Fisheries Science of the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries.

2. The high seas portion of the central Arctic Ocean, which is roughly 2.8 million square kilometers in size, smaller than the Mediterranean Sea, has so far remained an unknown region covered by ice. The recent global warming is accelerating its thawing, further increasing the need to conduct scientific research on the danger of overfishing caused by unregulated fishing activities, and fisheries resources in the Arctic Ocean.

3. Five countries bordering the Arctic Ocean (the United States, Russia, Canada, Denmark and Norway) and five countries not bordering the Ocean (the ROK, China, Japan, Iceland and the EU), which agreed on the need to raise awareness about environmental changes in the Arctic high seas and conduct related scientific research, have held six meetings so far since December 2015, and finally agreed on the draft Agreement.

4. The Agreement is expected to temporarily suspend fishing activities in the Arctic high seas, and lay the foundation for cooperation to protect and manage fisheries resources in the Arctic high seas by providing the countries with an opportunity to meet biennially to pursue joint scientific research programs and share the results of such search.

o If the joint scientific investigation concludes that fishing in the Arctic high seas is sustainable, it could lead to a creation of a regional fisheries organization.

5. It is significant that the ROK, a country not bordering the Arctic Ocean, joined scientific research and cooperation in the Arctic high seas, and played a role for the first time in establishing international regulations on the Arctic Ocean, contributing to the management of resources and the environment in the Arctic, which has been mainly handled by countries bordering the Arctic Ocean through the Arctic Council.

o Furthermore, the agreement on the draft Agreement is expected to create a good environment for the ROK government’s New Northward Policy by helping expand the ROK’s participation in global cooperation on the Arctic.

6. Steps to sign the “Agreement to Prevent Unregulated High Seas Fisheries in the Central Arctic Ocean” will be taken in 2018 after domestic procedures in each county required to sign it are completed.

o In accordance with the Agreement, the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries will develop joint scientific research programs and actively participate in scientific examination and investigation, with the National Institute of Fisheries Science playing major roles in the efforts.

* unofficial translation