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Press Releases

2017 IFANS Meeting on Global Affairs to Take Place under Theme “Korean Peninsula without Nuclear Weapons: Moon Jae-in Government’s Strategies and Ways to Implement Them”


1. The Korean National Diplomatic Academy (KNDA) will hold the “2017 Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security (IFANS) meeting on global affairs” under the theme “Korean Peninsula without nuclear weapons: Moon Jae-in government’s strategies and ways to implement them” at the KNDA building in Seocho-gu, Seoul, on December 11 (open meeting) and 12 (closed meeting).

2. The upcoming meeting takes place to explain the Moon Jae-in government’s foreign policy visions of “Korean Peninsula without nuclear weapons” and “peace on the Korean Peninsula,” and to foster greater consensus and support on them at home and abroad. The meeting, which is part of public diplomacy efforts targeting policy communities, also aims to create a collective intelligence on the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula that can lead to policy recommendations through discussions between distinguished people from around the world and experts in the ROK. The meeting also aims to build and expand knowledge networks on the global issue of the “denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula” by facilitating cooperation with transnational networks and foundations dedicated to nuclear disarmament, including the Asia Pacific Leadership Network and the Ploughshares Fund.

3. The open meeting on the 11th will begin with Session 1 in the morning, which will feature opening remarks by KNDA Chancellor Cho Byung-jae; keynote remarks by Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha; and a panel discussion joined by former US Secretary of State Colin Powell, former Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, former US Under Secretary of State Thomas Pickering, and Moon Chung-in, special advisor to the President for unification, diplomacy and security affairs. At a luncheon, Special Representative for Korean Peninsula Peace and Security Affairs Lee Do-hoon of the Foreign Ministry will deliver remarks. In Sessions 2 and 3 in the afternoon, experts in issues on the Korean Peninsula from the US, China, Japan and Russia will engage in discussions.

4. The IFANS meeting on global affairs is an annual forum of the KNDA’s IFANS. This year’s meeting is expected to serve as an opportunity to listen to the opinions of incumbent and former government officials and distinguished scholars at home and abroad in order to utilize them in the process of establishing policies aimed at resolving growing North Korean nuclear and missile threats and establishing peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula. The meeting is also expected to contribute to building consensus among the public on the resolution of the North Korean nuclear issue by helping more people at home and abroad understand that the “Korean Peninsula without nuclear weapons” is not an impossible goal yet.

* unofficial translation