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Press Releases

Large Number of US Provincial Governments Adopt Resolutions Supporting PyeongChang Olympic Winter Games


1. About 40 US provincial governments, including state governments and legislatures, and city governments and councils, have adopted resolutions supporting the PyeongChang Olympic Winter Games as of February 8, one day before the start of the PyeongChang Winter Olympics. Other US provincial governments are also expected to adopt resolutions supporting the Olympics, as they are taking steps to do so.


o Some provincial governments, including the US state of Georgia, expressed their full support for the PyeongChang Olympic Winter Games not only by adopting resolutions supporting the Olympics but by holding ceremonies to declare the “PyeongChang Day.”


As of February 8, 37 resolutions have been adopted by the states of New Jersey, Georgia, New York, California, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Alaska, as well as the cities of Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Chicago.


2. Most of the resolutions wished the PyeongChang Olympic Winter Games a success, and expressed hope that the Olympics will be able to contribute to peace and prosperity on the Korean Peninsula and in Northeast Asia. Some resolutions mentioned a joint entrance of South and North Korean athletes, and the creation of a joint ice hockey team.


3. It is very unusual for US provincial governments and legislative bodies to express such broad support for an Olympics hosted by a foreign country. This is expected to help successfully hold a peaceful Olympics in PyeongChang and attract more attention to the event.


4. Korean residents in the US played a big role in the adoption of the resolutions by encouraging their provincial governments to create an environment there that supports a successful hosting of the PyeongChang Olympic Winter Games and to adopt the resolutions.



* unofficial translation