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Press Releases

Foreign Ministry to Take All-Out Measures in Response to US’ Trade Protectionist Moves


1. The Foreign Ministry is making all-out efforts through its diplomatic channels to respond to the currently growing tide of trade protectionism on the part of the US, and will double such efforts down the road.


° In particular, the Ministry has directed the Republic of Korea Embassy in the US to boost economic diplomacy, including by forming and running a special team in the US, in the face of trade protectionist moves by the country.


2. In response to the US move to restrict steel imports pursuant to Section 232 of its Trade Expansion Act, the Foreign Ministry, through various diplomatic and security channels, has underscored possible negative impact of the move on the ROK-US relations, asking for the ROK’s exemption from the restriction.


3. In addition, up until the US government makes the final decision regarding the restriction, the Foreign Ministry plans to use high-level officials’ visits to the US and those to the ROK by major figures of the US academia and Congress as opportunities to persuade and make the US government understand the ROK’s position.


4. Given the rising tide of trade protectionism across the world, the Foreign Ministry will put into high gear the import regulations team at its headquarters and those at overseas missions to meticulously monitor and respond thoroughly to relevant developments.



* unofficial translation