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3rd ROK-Thailand Policy Consultation Takes Place


1. Vice Foreign Minister Lim Sung-nam held the 3rd ROK-Thailand policy consultation with Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand Busaya Mathelin in Seoul on May 3.


2. The two sides took note that the two countries have been maintaining close cooperative relations in a range of areas, including high-level exchanges, cooperation in political affairs, and substantive cooperation, and agreed to make more tangible progress in the strategic partnership between the two countries, which mark the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations this year.


The ROK and Thailand established diplomatic relations on October 1, 1958, and forged the bilateral strategic partnership in 2012.


3. Vice Minister Lim said that there is great potential for further economic cooperation between the ROK and Thailand, one of the economic powerhouses in ASEAN, and offered to work together to find ways to link the ROK’s New Southern Policy with the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) development plan* and the Thailand 4.0 policy** (digital economy), being actively pursued by Thailand.


* The Eastern Economic Corridor development plan aims to invest 1.5 trillion baht (US$45 billion) in the development of infrastructure in three provinces east of Bangkok, by 2021, and pursue related infrastructure projects in order to attract foreign investment.


** The Thailand 4.0 policy is a mid- to long-term national development plan to realize smart industries, smart cities and smart people by applying ICTs to all areas of economy and society.


4. Vice Minister Lim took note of the robust cooperation in national defense and the defense industry that has been underway between the two countries, including the T-50TH advanced trainer project, and an escort vessel project, and offered to continue to expand such cooperation.


5. Permanent Secretary Busaya said that the number of visitors to each other’s countries was 2.2 million last year, adding that the robust people-to-people exchanges between the two countries have served as a foundation for the development of the ROK-Thailand relations over the past 60 years. She also offered to further expand language and cultural exchange programs between the two countries.


6. Vice Minister Lim explained the results of the inter-Korean summit, and expressed appreciation to the Thai government for welcoming the inter-Korean summit by swiftly issuing a statement on the day of the summit (April 27). Vice Minister Lim asked for Thailand’s continued support for the ROK government’s efforts to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula and establish peace on the Peninsula.


o Permanent Secretary Busaya hoped that the inter-Korean summit and efforts to be made in the future will lay the foundation for the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, and said that the Thai government supports the ROK government’s efforts to establish peace on the Korean Peninsula. She also said that as the chair of ASEAN next year, Thailand will make sure that ASEAN provides necessary support.


7. Vice Minister Lim said that the ROK government is exerting efforts to elevate its relations with ASEAN to a higher level in a range of areas, including political, economic, social and cultural affairs, through its New Southern Policy, and asked Thailand, the chair of ASEAN next year, as well as the ROK’s strategic partner, to support the ROK’s efforts to put the New Southern Policy into full gear.


o Permanent Secretary Busaya took note of the efforts the ROK has made to strengthen its relations with ASEAN, and looked forward to cooperation with the ROK in a wider range of areas, including stepping up cooperation between the ROK and Mekong countries.


8. The policy consultation, held two years after the last one in 2016, served as an opportunity to discuss major issues between the two countries, thereby making tangible progress in the ROK-Thailand strategic partnership forged in 2012, and to reaffirm the support of Thailand, the ROK’s key partner in ASEAN, for the ROK’s Korean Peninsula policy and New Southern Policy.



* unofficial translation