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Press Releases

Foreign Minister Holds Telephone Conversation with her US Counterpart (5.25.)


1. Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha talked to Secretaryof State Mike Pompeo of the US over the phone on May 25, during which the twotop diplomats shared with each other such developments as President Trump’sannouncement on May 24 regarding US-North Korea summit talks and discussed indepth possible next steps.


° SecretaryPompeo explained in detail the background behind the announcement and the US government’sposition; emphasized the clear willingness of the US government to maintaindialogue with North Korea; and suggested that the Republic of Korea and the UnitedStates continue efforts to create conditions conducive to US-North Koreadialogue.


° Minister Kangvoiced regret over the fact that the US-North Korea summit talks, which couldhave become a significant milestone toward a complete denuclearization and alasting peace on the Korean Peninsula, as stipulated in the PanmunjeomDeclaration, will not take place on June 12 as originally scheduled. She wenton to suggest that as President Trump had expressed willingness to keep thedoor to dialogue open, the ROK and the US do everything they can to keep open thishard-earned window of opportunity for dialogue.


° The Ministerand the Secretary also exchanged views on the statement delivered by ViceMinister Kim Kye-gwan of the North Korean Foreign Ministry toward the end oftheir telephone conversation; took note of the fact that North Korea hadexpressed a clear willingness to continue dialogue with the US by saying that itstill looked forward to summit talks with the country; and discussed variousways to maintain the momentum of dialogue.


2. The Minister and the Secretary agreed to manage the situationon the Korean Peninsula in a stable manner through water-tight bilateral collaborationand to continue close bilateral consultations and coordination at variouslevels.



* unofficial translation