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Press Releases

Outcome of Foreign Minister’s Official Visit to Thailand (July 1-2)


1. Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha made an official visit to Thailand from July 1 to 2. During the visit, Minister Kang paid a courtesy call on Thai Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha, and held a meeting and luncheon with Thai Foreign Minister Don Pramudwinai on July 2. The two sides discussed a range of issues, including ways to make substantive progress in the strategic partnership between the Republic of Korea and Thailand; cooperation in implementing the New Southern Policy; ways to enhance cooperation between the ROK and ASEAN; and the situations on the Korean Peninsula and in other regions.


2. In the ROK-Thailand Foreign Ministers’ meeting, the two Ministers took note of the development of the bilateral relations over the past 60 years, and exchanged various views on ways to make substantive progress in the strategic partnership between the two countries, marking the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations this year.


The ROK and Thailand elevated their relationship to a “strategic partnership” in 2012.


o Minister Kang talked about the latest developments in the situation on the Korean Peninsula, and expressed appreciation for Thailand’s support. Minister Don said that Thailand would continue to support the ROK government’s efforts to establish a lasting peace on the Korean Peninsula not only at the bilateral level, but also as chair of ASEAN next year.


o Minister Kang extended congratulations on the success of the 8th ACMECS Summit, held in Thailand in mid-June. She also said that the ROK government was actively pursuing the New Southern Policy aimed at elevating the ROK-ASEAN relations to a higher level in a range of areas, and asked for active cooperation from Thailand, a major country in the region, and ASEAN’s chair next year.


- Minister Don offered to continue to work together to create synergy, as Thailand’s economic policies, including the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC), and Thailand 4.0, and the New Southern Policy designed to enhance connectivity have things in common.


ACMECS (Ayeyawady-Chao Phraya-Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy) is a regional forum for economic cooperation. Its members are Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam.


o Furthermore, the two Ministers agreed to continue to closely cooperate within ASEAN’s consultative mechanisms, including ROK-ASEAN and ASEAN+3 meetings, the EAS, and the ARF to be held this year, and discussed ways to further advance the ROK-ASEAN and ROK-Mekong cooperation, with next year marking the 30th anniversary of the ROK-ASEAN dialogue relations. They especially agreed to continue to cooperate in holding the ROK-ASEAN Commemorative Summit next year.


3. On the afternoon of the same day, Minister Kang paid a courtesy call on Prime Minister Prayut, and discussed traditional and friendly relations between the two countries, including Thailand’s dispatch of troops to fight in the Korean War, as well as ways to increase bilateral exchanges in a range of areas, including economic and cultural affairs, and the defense industry.


Thai Prime Minister Prayut served as commander of the 21st Infantry Regiment, which fought in the Korean War.


o Prime Minister Prayut expressed appreciation for the ROK’s willingness to cooperate with Thailand, which can be seen in an increase in Korean businessmen’s visits to Thailand this year, marking the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations, and offered to continue to work together to further strengthen the ROK-Thailand and ROK-ASEAN relations.


o Minister Kang especially asked for the Thai government’s active cooperation on the ROK’s efforts to establish a lasting peace on the Korean Peninsula and to strengthen the ROK-ASEAN relations, including the New Southern Policy. Prime Minister Prayut said that his country would continue to support the ROK government’s efforts to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula and establish peace on the Peninsula.


4. During the courtesy call on the Prime Minister, and the meeting with her Thai counterpart, Minister Kang offered words of comfort to them regarding the missing teenage soccer team, and hoped that the missing people would be rescued as early as possible. Prime Minister Prayut and Minister Don expressed appreciation for the ROK side’s words of comfort and encouragement regarding the missing soccer team.


Thirteen members of a teenage soccer team (12 teenage boys and 1 coach) of a school in Thailand’s northern province of Chiang Rai went missing on June 23 in the Tham Luang cave in the Chiang Rai province due to heavy rains. Search operations are underway with support from foreign rescue teams from the US, the UK and China.


5. Minister Kang’s official visit to Thailand, which reciprocates Thai Foreign Minister Don’s visit to the ROK on May 17, served as an opportunity to celebrate the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries this year through mutual visits by the Foreign Ministers, and contributed to solidifying Thailand’s support for the ROK government’s New Southern Policy and efforts to establish peace on the Korean Peninsula.



* unofficial translation