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Press Releases

ROK Government Wraps Up Emergency Relief Operations in Laos and Plans to Continue Rendering Assistance to Laos for its Early Reconstruction and Recovery from Dam Accident


1. The government of the Republic of Korea has provided US$1 million in emergency relief aid and dispatched Korea Disaster Relief Teams (KDRTs) to the Lao People's Democratic Republic to help it recover from its dam accident that occurred on July 23.


° The third KDRT sent to Lao PDR on August 14 will arrive at Incheon International Airport on August 24, Korea Standard Time, after ten days of medical services in the country, marking the end of the ROK government’s emergency relief operations there.


The ROK’s emergency relief assistance to Lao PDR over its dam accident included US$500,000 in relief fund; relief supplies worth another US$500,000; and the services offered by a combined 63 workers in the three KDRTs.


2. With the advance team and the first KDRT dispatched to Lao PDR on July 26 and July 29, respectively, the KDRTs carried out operations in the country for about a month in total until August 23. They offered medical treatment to a daily average of 152 patients, receiving a good response from local residents. They also contributed greatly to efforts to prevent the displaced and local residents from contracting infectious diseases and to respond to illnesses.


° After concluding its work, as a way of continuing the ROK's relief operations in Lao PDR, the third KDRT donated medical equipment and supplies, and pharmaceuticals worth some US$170,000 to Attapeu Provincial Hospital, a military hospital and a healthcare center on August 23.


The donation ceremony was held at the Attapeu provincial government building on August 23 in the presence of the governor and the head of the healthcare authority of Attapeu province.


3. The ROK government, having provided emergency relief aid to Lao PDR over its dam accident, has a mid- to long-term plan to render support to the country through Korean private groups and international organizations for its early recovery and reconstruction.  By doing so, the ROK government will continue to help residents in affected areas restore stability in their lives and recover from damage as soon as possible.



* unofficial translation