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Press Releases

Deputy Minister for Political Affairs Pays Courtesy Call on Foreign Minister of Laos


1. Deputy Minister for Political Affairs Yoon Soon-gu paid a courtesy call on Foreign Minister of Laos Saleumxay Kommasith on August 29 on the sidelines of the 16th East Asia Forum (EAF), held in Luang Prabang, the Lao People's Democratic Republic.


2. During the courtesy call, Deputy Minister Yoon extended sympathy to the local residents who lost their homes following the dam accident in the province of Attapeu on July 23, and said that in addition to its humanitarian assistance to help the displaced people, the government of the Republic of Korea would continue to actively support the Lao government’s reconstruction and recovery activities.


o Foreign Minister Saleumxay expressed appreciation for the ROK government’s humanitarian assistance.


3. Deputy Minister Yoon made a positive assessment of the growing people-to-people exchanges between the two countries, and to make sure the trend continues, he asked for the Lao government’s keen interest and efforts to ensure the safety of ROK visitors.


o Foreign Minister Saleumxay said that the safety of tourists was one of key issues of interest to the Lao government, and stressed that his government would continue related efforts.


4. Furthermore, Deputy Minister Yoon and Foreign Minister Saleumxay exchanged views on the ROK-Laos relations, and cooperation between the ROK and ASEAN. Deputy Minister Yoon offered to continue to increase development cooperation with Laos, as well as cooperation between the ROK and Mekong countries under the ROK’s New Southern Policy. Foreign Minister Saleumxay agreed to expand cooperation in the economic and development sectors, including infrastructure construction, and to continue to closely work together on that.



* unofficial translation