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Press Releases

Yellow Travel Alert Issued for Tumbes, Northern Peru


1. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has decided to issue Yellow Alert (travel-alert Level 2, Highly Cautious) for Tumbes in the border area between the Republic of Peru and the Republic of Ecuador, effective from August 30, 2018, in order to ensure the safety of and better protect Korean visitors to Peru.


° The decision was made in consideration of the fact that in preparation for the increasing influx of Venezuelan immigrants through the border with Ecuador, the Peruvian authorities had declared a 60-day “public health emergency” in Tumbes on August 27; and the need to ensure the safety of the nationals of the Republic of Korea traveling through or staying in Peru’s northern border area.


Travel advisories for different parts of Peru

- Blue Alert (travel-alert Level 1, Precautious): part of Ucayali; Lima; and special districts of Lima and Callao.

- Yellow Alert (travel-alert Level 2, Highly Cautious): Loreto; and parts of San Martin, Huanuco and Ucayali

- Red Alert (travel-alert Level 3, Recommend Withdrawal): parts of Apurimac, Ayacucho, Huancavelica, Cusco and Junin


2. The Korean nationals planning to visit Tumbes and other areas under Yellow Alert are advised to seriously mull over the need to visit those areas unless there are urgent matters to attend to. Those staying for an extended period in or having to visit those areas are asked to pay serious heed to their safety.


3. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will review whether to keep in place the travel advisories for Peru after meticulously monitoring the situations in the country regarding public health, sanitation and public security.



* unofficial translation