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Press Releases

10th ROK-Pakistan Policy Consultation Takes Place


1. Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Cho Hyun and Foreign Secretary of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Tehmina Janjua held the 10th Republic of Korea-Pakistan policy consultation in Seoul on November 7, and discussed ways to strengthen the ROK-Pakistan relations, and substantive cooperation between the two countries, as well as the situation in South Asia, and ways to work together on the global stage.


Since the first ROK-Pakistan policy consultation held in Islamabad, Pakistan, in August 1997, it has served as a consultative forum to comprehensively review issues between the two countries, and to exchange views on regional situations and key global issues.


2. The two sides spoke highly of the continued development of bilateral relations since the establishment of diplomatic ties in 1983, and agreed to continue to step up mutually-beneficial cooperation in a range of areas, including trade, investment, development cooperation, and people-to-people exchanges.


o In particular, Vice Minister Cho expressed appreciation to the Pakistani government for paying attention to the issues of renewing a work visa for employees of Korean companies sent to the country, and giving them permission to visit regions outside the areas where they live. Foreign Secretary Janjua said that Korean companies’ robust business activities in her country were driving economic cooperation between the two countries, and that Pakistan would continue to take keen interest and closely cooperate with the ROK government.


o Foreign Secretary Janjua took note that the ROK selected Pakistan as a key cooperation partner in pursuing development cooperation overseas, and had continued to contribute to Pakistan’s economic and social development through various projects. The Vice Minister and the Foreign Secretary agreed to continue to closely work together.


3. Vice Minister Cho extended special appreciation for the Pakistani government’s interest and cooperation to ensure the safety of Korean nationals visiting or staying in the country, and asked the Pakistani government to continue to closely work together with the ROK government on their safety.


4. Vice Minister Cho explained the latest progress in the situation on the Korean Peninsula, including developments in follow-up negotiations between the United States and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, and the improvement of inter-Korean relations, and expressed appreciation for the Pakistani government’s continued support for the ROK’s North Korea policy. The Vice Minister also asked the Pakistani government to continue to support the ROK government’s efforts to achieve complete denuclearization, and to establish a lasting peace on the Korean Peninsula.


o Foreign Secretary Janjua spoke highly of the ROK government’s leading efforts to make progress in the situation on the Korean Peninsula, and said that her country would continue to provide necessary cooperation.


5. Prior to the policy consultation, the Pakistani delegation paid a courtesy call on Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha. The two sides shared the view that given their complementary economic structures, there was great potential for further substantive cooperation between the two countries, and agreed to maintain the momentum for the development of bilateral relations.



* unofficial translation