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Press Releases

2018 Northeast Asia Peace and Cooperation Forum and Relevant Inter-Governmental Consultation to Take Place


1. “The 2018 Northeast Asia Peace and Cooperation Forum” will take place at Four Seasons Hotel Seoul on November 28, co-hosted by the Sejong Institute and the Jeju Peace Institute with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


° The Northeast Asia Peace and Cooperation Forum is a private-public (track-1.5) meeting. Its forthcoming round will bring together delegates from governments, organizations and private sectors of major countries in the region (the Republic of Korea, the United States, the People's Republic China, Japan, the Russian Federation and Mongolia), as well as out-of-the region dialogue partners (the Commonwealth of Australia, New Zealand, the European Union, ASEAN, and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe {OSCE}); and cover dialogue on multilateral cooperation in Northeast Asia, confidence-building measures to take at initial stages, and ways to create “an East Asian railroad community.”


2. On the same day, the ROK Ministry of Foreign Affairs will host an inter-governmental consultation among delegates from Forum-attending governments and organizations. The event will be chaired by Deputy Foreign Minister for Political Affairs Yoon Soon-gu and cover ways to promote multilateral cooperation in the region as well as the way forward for “the platform for Northeast Asia peace and cooperation.”


The platform for Northeast Asia peace and cooperation is a platform where related countries engage in open-ended discussions on various agenda items for peace and cooperation in the region.


- As part of the efforts to build the platform, the Northeast Asia Peace and Cooperation Forum and the relevant inter-governmental consultation are held on an annual basis.


3. The forthcoming “Northeast Asia peace and cooperation platform” meetings (the Forum and the inter-governmental consultation), which will take place amid the ongoing progress in the situation in Northeast Asia facilitated by the three rounds of inter-Korean summit talks and the US-North Korea summit held in 2018, are expected to serve as an opportunity for meaningful dialogue that could contribute to maintaining the momentum of multilateral cooperation among countries in the region as well as to building confidence and a permanent peace regime in the region.



* unofficial translation