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Press Releases

1st Seoul Dialogue on Africa and Korea-Africa Youth Forum Take Place (Dec. 4-5)


1. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, along with the Korea-Africa Foundation (launched in June 2018), hosted the “Korea-Africa Youth Forum” and the “Seoul Dialogue on Africa,” bringing together experts on Africa from home and abroad, at the Lotte Hotel in Sogong-dong, Seoul, from December 4 till 5. The events aim to increase people’s understanding of Africa, and to help Korean youth and entrepreneurs build presence in Africa.


2. The “Seoul Dialogue on Africa,” held on December 5 under the theme “Peace and Prosperity in Africa and Beyond,” was the first international academic conference since the establishment of the Korea-Africa Foundation. The meeting took place to raise people’s awareness of Africa in the Republic of Korea; to gather policy proposals to build an ROK-Africa strategic partnership; and to facilitate research on Africa in the ROK by strengthening networks between Africa researchers.


o In his keynote speech, Vice Foreign Minister Cho Hyun said that Africa, the birthplace of mankind, was the world’s youngest continent with great potential for growth, and voiced hope that the meeting would help the ROK and Africa better understand each other, and share their experiences and know-how. He also asked 54 UN member states from Africa to continue to support the peace process on the Korean Peninsula. Vice Minister Cho especially asked experts to show keen interest and support to make sure that the meeting serves as an important opportunity for the ROK and Africa to explore the way toward prosperity together based on a people-centered philosophy, and develops into an important forum for dialogue between the ROK and Africa.


o In his keynote speech, Commissioner for Trade and Industry of the African Union Commission Albert M. Muchanga said that the launch of the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA), aimed at creating the world’s largest single market (1.27 billion population), offered more investment and business opportunities in Africa, and that Africa was ready to actively support Korean companies’ entry into its market. In particular, he expressed hope that the ROK, which has seen rapid growth in the high-tech industry, and has many technology-intensive startup companies, would actively make inroads into the African market, and contribute to the industrialization of Africa in the fourth industrial era.


3. In the meeting, about 250 Africa experts from home and abroad discussed key political, economic and social issues in the African region under the themes of opportunities and challenges for peace and security in Africa, Africa’s inclusive development and regional integration, and an ROK-Africa partnership, and also made predictions about the situation in the region for the year 2019.


o The Foreign Ministry and the Korea-Africa Foundation will work to develop the “Seoul Dialogue on Africa” into an annual international academic conference to discuss key African issues, and have the results of discussions be reflected in the ROK’s Africa policy.


4. On December 4, a day before the meeting, the “Korea-Africa Youth Forum” took place under the theme “Entrepreneurs for Innovative Partnership.” It was attended by about 150 people, including members of the African diplomatic corps in the ROK, businesspeople, and Korean and African youngsters, who showed great interest in building presence in Africa.


o Chair of the Korea-Africa Foundation Choi Yeon-ho, Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly Lee Ju-Young (head of the National Assembly Forum for Africa's New Era), member of the Supreme Council of the Minjoo Party of Korea Sul Hoon (deputy head of the National Assembly Forum for Africa's New Era), Ambassador of the Gabonese Republic to the ROK Victor Boungou (head of the African diplomatic corps in the ROK), AU Commissioner for Trade and Industry Albert M. Muchanga, and Deputy Minister for Economic Affairs Yun Kang-hyeon also attended the forum and delivered congratulatory remarks. They spoke highly of the event which aims to increase exchanges between Korean and African youth, and help startup companies build presence in Africa. They also voiced hope that the forum would develop into a representative program for exchanges between Korean and African youth.


5. In the meeting, the participants made presentations and engaged in discussions under the themes of the startup environment in the ROK and Africa, success stories of startup companies doing business in Africa, and youth innovation.


o In particular, speakers from Africa stressed that paradoxically, Africa facing a number of challenges has the startup environment with limitless possibilities, and received good response from the participants by explaining in detail Africa’s system to support the creation of new firms, as well as plans to hold industrial exhibitions.


o The forum served as an opportunity to encourage youth to found global startups by raising awareness of Africa’s potential as a market for startups, and increasing exchanges between Korean youth and African youth staying in the ROK.



* unofficial translation