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Press Releases

Forum on New Technologies and Human Rights Takes Place (Dec. 10, Seoul)


1. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, together with the Korea Academic Council on the United Nations System, hosted a forum titled “Human Rights in the 4th Industrial Revolution: How Should UN Human Rights Mechanisms Respond?” at the Shilla Hotel in Jangchung-dong, Seoul, on December 10.


o The forum brought together about 100 people, including officials from the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), other international organizations, and governments, as well as people from research institutes and companies related to the 4th Industrial Revolution and human rights at home and abroad.


2. In his opening remarks, Deputy Minister for Multilateral and Global Affairs of the Foreign Ministry Kang Jeong-sik highlighted the need for the international community to work together to respond to the two-sided impact of the 4th Industrial Revolution on human rights. He said that the Republic of Korea was committed to contributing actively to discussions on the issue, adding that the ROK held a side event on new technologies and human rights during the 38th session of the Human Rights Council in June this year.


3. In his keynote speech, Chairman of the Korea Academic Council on the United Nations System Seo Chang-rok said that since February this year, the Human Rights Council Advisory Committee had also discussed the digital revolution and human rights. He hoped that the forum would serve as an opportunity to look at the impact of new technologies on civil and political rights, as well as economic and social rights, and to discuss ways to bridge the gap between the development of technology and policy.


4. At the forum, experts made presentations and engaged in discussions about the impact of the development of new technologies triggered by the 4th Industrial Revolution on human rights, as well as challenges and ways to respond to them. Participants agreed on the need to take a comprehensive approach that covers the full range of human rights to deal with the impact of new technologies.


o Furthermore, they discussed the roles of governments, international organizations, and civil society, and stressed the need for actors to work together. They also discussed regulations under international agreements; the progress in related discussions within the UN human rights mechanisms, including the UN Human Rights Council and special procedures; and the way forward for the discussions.


5. On December 11, speakers and debaters who participated in the forum held an expert meeting, and discussed in depth the way forward for the international community’s discussions on new technologies and human rights, as well as the role of the ROK government.


6. The forum served as a good opportunity to look at the impact of new technologies on human rights in the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution, and to discuss ways for the international community, mainly the UN human rights mechanisms, to respond. The Foreign Ministry will continue to take the lead in making related contributions, including facilitating discussions on new technologies and human rights within the UN.



* unofficial translation