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Press Releases

Foreign Minister’s 2nd Day at Davos Forum 2019


1. On January 24, her second day at the 2019 round of the Davos Forum (World Economic Forum Annual Meeting), Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha listened to the special address delivered by UN Secretary-General Guterres; attended the closed-door luncheon of the Informal Gathering of World Economic Leaders (IGWEL) and the special dinner for major figures; and gave interviews to Reuters News Agency and CNN.


2. Asked to deliver remarks at the closed-door IGWEL luncheon that brought together some 100 people, including, in particular, top-level participants in the Davos Forum, Minister Kang spoke about the geopolitics and situation on the Korean Peninsula and asked the international community to remain supportive.


° The Minister stressed that despite the general assessment that the recently eased tensions on the Korean Peninsula had fostered a stronger sense of security than in 2018, support of the international community was necessary for the current momentum of dialogue to lead to a lasting peace.


3. Minister Kang gave an interview to Reuters News Agency at its own studio and another to CNN's “Connect the World,” CNN’s globally broadcast live news program, at the media outlet's Davos studio.



* unofficial translation