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10th ROK-Kazakhstan Policy Consultation Takes Place (Feb. 11)


1. Deputy Foreign Minister for Political Affairs Kim Gunn held the 10th Republic of Korea-Republic of Kazakhstan policy consultation and a luncheon with First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan Nuryshev Shakhrat from 10:00-11:30, February 11. The two sides engaged in an extensive exchange of views on current bilateral issues and other issues of mutual interest, including the progress in bilateral relations, ways to increase substantive cooperation between the ROK and Kazakhstan, cooperation in the multilateral and international arena, and the situation on the Korean Peninsula.


2. The two sides expressed satisfaction over the continued development of bilateral relations, mentioning that the trade volume (US$4.2 billion) and people-to-people exchanges between the ROK and Kazakhstan recorded the highest levels in 2019. Especially, they said that robust high-level exchanges are serving as a great driving force behind the development of bilateral relations.


o The two sides noted that the high-level exchanges are more robust than ever, as seen from President Moon Jae-in’s visit to Kazakhstan last year, mutual visits by the foreign ministers of the two countries, and the ROK National Assembly Speaker’s visit to Kazakhstan to co-host the “Meeting of Speakers of Eurasian Countries’ Parliaments.” They agreed to continue robust high-level exchanges this year, and thereby create opportunities to realize the potential for cooperation between the two countries.


o Deputy Minister Nuryshev mentioned that since the establishment of diplomatic ties in 1992, the ROK-Kazakhstan relations have grown steadily, and particularly noted that the bilateral strategic partnership established in 2009 is making substantive progress.


- Pointing out that the ROK, as one of Kazakhstan’s largest trading and investment partners, is an important partner for economic cooperation, Deputy Minister Nuryshev voiced hope that Korean companies will increase investment in Kazakhstan, as the Kazakh government is working to improve its investment environment.


3. In order to strengthen substantive cooperation, including the faithful implementation of the new economic cooperation program “Fresh Wind,” adopted by the leaders of the two countries during President Moon Jae-in’s visit to Kazakhstan last year, the two sides agreed to continue cooperation, mainly between the bilateral joint economic committee and its working groups.


o Deputy Minister Kim welcomed the fact that areas of cooperation between the two countries are being diversified to cover not only traditional areas of cooperation with Kazakhstan, such as industry, trade, energy and infrastructure, but also new industries, including public health, medical care, and information and communication technology (IT). Deputy Minister Kim offered to continue to work together to step up substantive cooperation, including the agreement reached between the leaders of the two countries last year.


o Deputy Minister Nuryshev said that there is great potential for bilateral cooperation in such new industries as public health and medical care, and added that the Kazakh government will render active support to expand bilateral cooperation in the areas.


4. Deputy Minister Kim explained the current situation on the Korean Peninsula and the ROK’s inter-Korean policy, and appreciated Kazakhstan’s consistent support for the ROK government’s efforts to achieve complete denuclearization and establish permanent peace on the Korean Peninsula. Deputy Minister Kim asked for Kazakhstan’s continued cooperation and support.


o Deputy Minister Nuryshev reaffirmed Kazakhstan’s support for the ROK government’s efforts towards peace and prosperity on the Korean Peninsula, and said that Kazakhstan is willing to contribute to the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula by sharing its experience of voluntary denuclearization.


5. The 10th policy consultation is seen to have served as an opportunity to review the current state of substantive cooperation in each area with Kazakhstan, a key Central Asian partner in implementing the ROK’s New Northern Policy, and to exchange a range of views on the way forward for the future-oriented development of bilateral relations.