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ROK and Czech Presidents Exchange Celebratory Letters to Mark 30th Anniversary of Establishment of Diplomatic Relations


1. President Moon Jae-in and President of the Czech Republic Miloš Zeman exchanged celebratory letters to mark the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Korea and the Czech Republic.


2. In his letter, President Moon welcomed the continued expansion and enhancement of bilateral cooperation in various areas, including political and economic affairs, since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1990, and said that he is also pleased about the successful cooperation in responding to the COVID-19 situation.


o In addition, he expressed hope that cooperation in the industries of the future,  including electric cars, would also increase, and looked forward to the continued development of bilateral relations.


3. President Zeman said that he is pleased the mutually-beneficial relations and cooperation between the two countries have successfully advanced, and assessed that the ROK’s efficient response to COVID-19 has offered an exemplary case for other countries.


o He also hoped that the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations this year would provide momentum for stepping up bilateral cooperation in scientific research and new technology, and stressed the need to revitalize tourism and cultural exchanges after COVID-19.


4. In celebration of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations, the two countries created a commemorative logo in December last year, and have been holding a range of celebratory events, following guidelines for COVID-19 infection prevention and control.