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ROK Government Hosts Side Event on DPRK Nuclear Issue during 10th NPT Review Conference


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea hosted a side event on “North Korea: Addressing the Nuclear Challenge” at the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea to the United Nations, New York, on August 1 on the margins of the 10th Review Conference of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). This event, held on the first day of the Review Conference, was co-hosted by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.  

Approximately 70 people from permanent missions to the U.N. and delegates to the NPT Review Conferences attended. Three panelists* presented on issues related to the DPRK’s nuclear and missile development, the DPRK’s domestic and foreign policy, and sanctions on the DPRK and its cyber capabilities respectively. Q&A session followed the presentations.

 (*) Antoine Bondaz, Director of the Korean Program and Research Fellow / Elisabeth Suh, Research Fellow, Security and Defense Program, German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP) / Jenny Town, Senior Fellow at the Stimson Center and the Director of 38 North Program 

In his opening statement, Deputy Minister HAM Sang Wook expressed the strong commitment of the Government of the Republic of Korea to realize the denuclearization of the DPRK and build sustainable peace on the Korean Peninsula. He also called for unwavering support of the international community to this end.

Furthermore, Deputy Minister Ham underscored that how we address the nuclear challenges of the DPRK at the Review Conference would not only serve as a message to the DPRK but would be a litmus test on the relevance and credibility of the NPT regime itself, as the DPRK has continuously developed its nuclear and missile programs in violation of international norms including the NPT and United Nations Security Council resolutions.

Participants reaffirmed that the denuclearization of the DPRK remains a priority issue of the international community. In particular, considering the increasing nuclear and missile threats by the DPRK, participants also shared the view that the DPRK nuclear issues need to be seriously addressed during the Review Conference and the international community should respond in a united and resolute manner.