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Press Releases

Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Oh Youngju Meets with CTBTO Executive Secretary


1. Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Oh Youngju met with Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) Executive Secretary Robert Floyd, on August 10 and discussed  the DPRK nuclear issue and overall cooperation between Korea and the CTBTO.

2. Vice Minister Oh explained the Korean government’s efforts to achieve the complete denuclearization of the DPRK and requested continued attention and support in this regard of the CTBTO,  the only international organization in charge of nuclear test monitoring and detection.

3. Executive Secretary Floyd expressed his firm support for Korea’s efforts for the denuclearization of the DPRK and the CTBTO’s strong willingness to contribute in this regard.

4. Vice Minister Oh also stated that Korea, a founding signatory to the CTBT, puts high importance on the CTBT’s early entry into force and on strengthening its monitoring system, and appreciated active technological cooperation and people-to-people exchanges between Korea and the CTBTO. She also underlined that the Executive Secretary’s visit will help further intensify cooperation between the two sides.

5. Executive Secretary Floyd expressed appreciation to Korea, which has been contributing to an early entry into force of the CTBT and to strengthening its monitoring system including by operating Korea Seismic Research Center in Wonju and by hosting various expert meetings. He went on to voice hope for continued strong cooperation between the two sides.

6. During his visit to Korea, Executive Secretary Floyd will visit related agencies, such as Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources, to intensify technological cooperation between Korea and the CTBTO.