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Press Releases

Special Representative for Korean Peninsula Peace and Security Affairs Meets with Former Chair of COI


1. On August 31, Special Representative for Korean Peninsula Peace and Security Affairs Kim Gunn met with former Chair of the United Nations Commission of Inquiry (COI) on Human Rights in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), during the latter’s visit to the Republic of Korea (ROK). 

2. Special Representative Kim brought attention to the fact that the DPRK is continuing unlawful provocations, including another round of ballistic missile launches on Wednesday night following its second failed attempt to fire a so-called “ space launch vehicle” last week. On that note, he deplored that the DPRK is squandering resources that it should be using to improve the livelihood of its people. 

3. Former COI Chair Kirby, calling the DPRK’s human rights issue one of universal values of humanity as well as one closely linked to peace and security on the Korean Peninsula, asked the ROK government to take the lead in informing the international community of the dire human rights situation in the DPRK.

4. Special Representative Kim appreciated the UN Security Council having held its first official meeting on the human rights situation in the DPRK on August 17 in six years, saying that the international community, including the ROK, is no longer silent over the DPRK’s egregious human rights situation. He went on to stress that the DPRK must pay heed to such concerns of the international community and swiftly take action to improve its human rights situation.

5. Former COI Chair Kirby stated that it is important to make efforts to find a solution to the human rights issue although its nature could require a long time to do so. He added that it is necessary to once again raise the international community’s awareness of the DPRK’s human rights issue this year, which marks the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the UN COI and the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 

6. The former COI Chair, calling voices of victims important in seeking resolution of human rights issues, iterated that the COI had made efforts to include victims’ testimonies in its reports and that such efforts should continue in addressing the human rights issue in the DPRK.

7. Special Representative Kim stated that North Korean defectors should not be forcibly repatriated against their will, and appreciated the COI reports for highlighting in their recommendations the importance of the international community’s respect for principle of non-refoulement. 

8. In response, former COI Chair Kirby called on the countries concerned not to consider the recommendations in the COI reports political ones and to be always aware that human rights are universal values of humanity.