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Press Releases

Government Agencies Gather to Pave Way for Successful Implementation of “Indo-Pacific Strategy”


The second interagency meeting held to discuss an action plan for the Indo-Pacific Strategy

1. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) hosted a director-general-level interagency meeting at MOFA in Seoul on November 24 to discuss an action plan for the “Strategy for a Free, Peaceful and Prosperous Indo-Pacific Region.” It was chaired by Deputy Minister for Political Affairs of MOFA, CHUNG Byung-won.  

     ※ The meeting brought together director-general-level officials of ten government agencies, including the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the Ministry of Science and ICT, the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries and the Korea Coast Guard.

       - Among the participants from MOFA were the Director-General for Strategy (Coordinator of the Indo-Pacific Strategy T/F) and about 20 Directors-General from relevant regional and functional divisions.

2. MOFA explored the detailed action plan for the Indo-Pacific Strategy in its three internal meetings on February 3, April 27, and September 20, respectively, and the first interagency meeting on June 26 after the ROK government unveiled the Strategy toward the end of last year. In this meeting, the participants conducted a final review of each ministry’s progress on the implementation of the Strategy and details of its action plan.

※ MOFA inaugurated the Indo-Pacific Strategy T/F in early 2023 for the implementation of the ROK’s Indo-Pacific Strategy, which was unveiled on December 28, 2022.

3. During this meeting, Deputy Minister Chung announced that the ROK government will hold an Indo-Pacific forum around the first anniversary of the Strategy to share the major progress and the direction of the action plan on the nine core lines of effort. Furthermore, he emphasized that the government-wide action plan for the Indo-Pacific Strategy will serve as the foundation for the actual implementation of the Strategy as the ROK’s first comprehensive regional strategy. In this vein, the Deputy Minister asked all government agencies to work together for its effective implementation.

4. MOFA will continue to make efforts for the ROK government to play a more active role in shaping orders that align with the vision of the Indo-Pacific region -- freedom, peace and prosperity. MOFA will continue to communicate and cooperate with each government agency for the government-wide implementation of the Indo-Pacific Strategy.