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Press Releases

1st Meeting of Host City Selection Committee for 2025 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders’ Meeting (AELM)


- Launch of the "Host City Selection Committee" and determination of the Host City Selection Criteria Set

- Commencement of Solid Preparations for the 2025 APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting

1. The 1st meeting of the "Host City Selection Committee" for selecting the host city for the APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting (AELM), which will be held in the Republic of Korea in 2025, was held on March 21, 2024, from 15:00 to 17:00 at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Seoul.

※ The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) is the largest economic cooperation forum in the Asia-Pacific region, with twenty-one Member Economies, including the Republic of Korea, the United States, China, Japan, and Russia.

2. The Korean government has established the "Korea APEC 2025 Organizing Committee" in accordance with the "Regulations on the Establishment and Operation of the Organizing Committee and Preparatory Office for APEC 2025 (Presidential Decree No. 459, implemented on August 17, 2023)." On the 18th of March 2024, the Korea APEC 2025 Organizing Committee held its first meeting (by written decision) and decided to establish the "Host City Selection Committee for 2025 APEC."

* The composition of the Organizing Committee includes the Minister of Foreign Affairs as the chairperson, and various governmental officials from the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Science and ICT, along with representatives from economic organizations such as the Korea Chamber of Commerce & Industry and the Korea Federation of SMEs, totaling 33 members (as of March 2024).

- Deputy Mayor(s) or Vice Governor(s) of the host city will be added to the Organizing Committee as future members after the final decision for selecting the host city for APEC 2025

3. The "Host City Selection Committee for APEC 2025" has been established with a total of 17 members, including private sector experts and government officials, to ensure a fair and objective selection of the host city. (※ The committee is chaired by Mr. Jin Sik Yoon, the Chairman of the Korea International Trade Association (KITA), and composed of eight members from the private sector and eight government officials.)

4. Chairman Yoon explained in this meeting that there is a high level of national expectation in the selection process for the host city for APEC 2025, which is set to be held in the ROK for the first time in 20 years since 2005. He emphasized that the "Host City Selection Committee" must lay the foundation for the successful hosting of the 2025 APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting (AELM) by selecting the most suitable host city through a fair, transparent, and objective process.

5. The "Host City Selection Committee" has adopted four criteria for selecting the host city in its first meeting held today: ① Excellence of the purpose and basic plan for hosting APEC 2025, ② Suitability of the city conditions and infrastructures for hosting international conferences, ③ Conditions for operating APEC 2025 and ④ Contributions to main national policy agenda and regional development.

6. These four selection criteria adopted by the "Host City Selection Committee" will be explained to the local governments (cities and provinces) interested in hosting APEC 2025 through briefings. Following this, the host city for 2025 APEC will be determined after several processes including the submission of application forms, and review and evaluation of the application documents for hosting APEC 2025.

7. The Republic of Korea, as host economy for APEC 2025, will host more than 200 meetings of various levels* until the end of 2025, starting from the Informal Senior Officials’ Meeting (ISOM) at the end of 2024. The host city for APEC 2025, which will be decided within incoming several months, will host several events through APEC Economic Leaders’ Week (AELM), along with various meetings throughout the year, including Senior Officials' Meetings (SOM).

* Selected Ministerial Meetings, five Senior Officials’ Meetings (SOMs), and other Sub-Fora, Working Group and Industry Meetings

8. "The Host City Selection Committee" plans to contribute to the successful hosting the APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting (AELM) in 2025 with domestic and international support and expectation by selecting the most suitable host city based on fair criteria and procedures.