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Press Releases

Republic of Korea Re-elected to Executive Board of UN World Food Programme (WFP)


1.  The Republic of Korea was re-elected to serve as a member of the Executive Board of the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) for the 2025-2027 term at the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) meeting on April 9. It marks the third consecutive time for Korea to join the Executive Board since 2019.

2.  The WFP Executive Board, which consists of 36 members, is the WFP's top decision-making body that provides policy guidance to the WFP and oversees its activities. Six countries including Korea were elected this time at the UN ECOSOC meeting.

3.  Korea’s re-election to the Executive Board is a reflection of its leading role in and contribution to reducing poverty and ending hunger globally. The consecutive election of Korea, which has grown from a recipient of the WFP’s assistance to a major donor, to the WFP Executive Board is even more significant, as this year marks the 60th anniversary of the WFP's launch of assistance to Korea and the 40th anniversary of the end of such assistance.

4.  During its service on the WFP Executive Board, the government of the Republic of Korea will continue efforts to help the WFP respond more effectively to the global food crisis compounded by the polycrisis such as climate change and conflict. It will also seek to further strengthen its strategic partnership with the WFP in the ROK-WFP Annual Policy Consultation.