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Deputy Foreign Minister for Political Affairs Discusses Ways to Strengthen Korea-Brazil Relationship with Brazilian Secretary of Asia and Pacific


1. On May 16, 2024, Deputy Foreign Minister for Political Affairs Chung Byung-won met with Secretary of Asia and the Pacific at the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Eduardo Paes Saboia, who is visiting Korea. The two sides discussed ways to step up cooperaton between Korea and Brazil as well as the regional situation.

2. The two sides reviewed the follow-up on the 13th meeting of the Korea-Brazil High-level Political Consultations held in Brasilia in November last year and agreed to continue to expand high-level exchanges, especially on the occasion of Brazil's G20 presidency this year and its hosting of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC (COP30) next year.

3. The two sides welcomed the recent expansion of bilateral cooperation, including the ROK Air Force's acquisition of Brazilian-made C-390 cargo aircraft and Hyundai Motor's announcement of its investment plans in Brazil, and called for an increase in cooperation in energy, minerals and supply chains, as well as in new industries such as smart cities, aerospace and semiconductors.

4. The two sides also agreed to strengthen bilateral cooperation in the international arena in response to the rapidly changing international situation of late and climate change.

5. Earlier in the day, Ambassador Saboia paid a courtesy call on  Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Kim Hong Kyun and exchanged views on bilateral ties and the regional situation.

6. Vice Minister Kim expressed his sympathy over the recent floods in southern Brazil and asked Ambassador Saboia to continue efforts to advance Korea-Brazil relations.