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Press Releases

ROK and Netherlands Hold First Consultation on Security Issues


1. Mr. Youn Jong Kwon, Director-General for International Security, and Mr. Joost Flamand, Director for Security Policy at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, held the first bilateral Consultation on Security Issues on May 31, 2024, in Seoul.

2. This inaugural Consultation was convened as part of the follow-up to the Joint Statement between the governments of the Republic of Korea and the Kingdom of the Netherlands on December 13, 2023. During the Consultation, the two sides addressed global disarmament and non-proliferation challenges, including the DPRK’s recent launch of a so-called ‘reconnaissance satellite,’ and its nuclear and missile programs, as well as UN Security Council sanctions on North Korea. The two sides also explored how to enhance cooperation on various security fronts, such as artificial intelligence (AI), outer space, ROK-NATO cooperation, and maritime security.

3. Particularly, the ROK and the Netherlands shared the view on the importance of international efforts to establish norms for the responsible use of AI in the military domain. In this vein, the two sides reaffirmed their shared commitment to working together for the success of the upcoming second REAIM Summit*, which will be co-hosted by the ROK and the Netherlands in Seoul this September.

* Responsible AI in the Military Domain Summit

4. The two sides acknowledged that this inaugural Consultation exemplifies the strengthening of the Strategic Partnership between the ROK and the Netherlands. They committed to continuing close cooperation to enhance mutual understanding and interests in security.