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Press Releases

Outcome of ROK-U.S.-Japan Trilateral Vice Foreign Minister-Level Dialogue


1. Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Kim Hong Kyun, together with U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Kurt M. Campbell and Japanese Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs Masataka Okano, held the 13th ROK-U.S.-Japan Trilateral Vice Foreign Minister-Level Dialogue at Deputy Secretary Campbell's farm in Washington, VA, on Friday, May 31, from 2:00 PM to 7:30 PM (Eastern Time).

2. During the marathon meeting, which lasted for over five hours, the Vice Ministers and Deputy Secretary conducted strategic and in-depth discussions on a wide range of topics covering all areas of ROK-U.S.-Japan cooperation, including regional and global cooperation, economic and technological partnerships, and ways to enhance trilateral cooperation. They adopted the attached joint statement as the outcome document of the meeting.

3. Vice Minister Kim highlighted that the trilateral cooperation among the ROK, the U.S., and Japan, which entered a new era through the historic Camp David Summit last August, is expanding in various fields such as diplomacy, defense, and the economy, and is deepening not only in the Indo-Pacific region but also on a global scale. He noted that high-level exchanges, including the meetings of foreign, defense, and finance ministers, and the operation of consultative bodies like the ROK-U.S.-Japan Indo-Pacific Dialogue, are progressing steadily. The Vice Ministers and Deputy Secretary acknowledged the significance of today’s meeting as the first since the Camp David Summit and agreed to actively implement and materialize the “Camp David Principles”, “The Spirit of Camp David” and “Commitment to Consult” to further advance trilateral cooperation.

4. The Vice Ministers and Deputy Secretary strongly condemned North Korea's launch of a so-called "military reconnaissance satellite" on May 27 as a clear violation of UN Security Council resolutions and a provocative act that seriously threatens peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and in the international community. They also expressed their resolute opposition to the weapons transfer between Russia and North Korea, which violates multiple Council resolutions, and voiced deep concern over the failure to extend the mandate of the 1718 Committee’s Panel of Experts due to Russia’s veto. They agreed to continue efforts to lead the international community's thorough implementation of sanctions against North Korea.

5. In this context, the Vice Ministers and Deputy Secretary decided to further strengthen trilateral cooperation to cut off North Korea's illicit revenue streams, including illegal cyber activities, dispatch of overseas workers, and ship-to-ship transfers. They also agreed to continue security cooperation among the three countries to effectively respond to North Korea's escalating nuclear and missile threats. Vice Minister Kim emphasized that although North Korea denies unification, efforts to realize the vision of a "unified Korean Peninsula that is free and at peace," supported by the leaders of the ROK, the U.S., and Japan, will continue.

6. Vice Minister Kim briefed the results of the ROK-Japan-China Trilateral Summit and the meeting between President Yoon and Chinese Premier Li Qiang on May 27. The Vice Ministers and Deputy Secretary reaffirmed their commitment to the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and emphasized the importance of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. They also exchanged views on Ukraine, the Middle East, and the South China Sea, agreeing to strengthen trilateral cooperation in addressing major international issues, including support for Ukraine. In addition, they committed to continuing efforts to counter disinformation that threatens democracy.

7. Vice Minister Kim explained the ROK's foreign policy toward ASEAN being pursued under the "Korea-ASEAN Solidarity Initiative" and the ongoing engagement with Pacific Island countries, following the first-ever Korea-Pacific Islands Summit hosted by the ROK government in May last year. The Vice Ministers and Deputy Secretary agreed to seek possible cooperation to enhance synergies in cooperation projects in ASEAN and Pacific Island countries through the ROK-U.S.-Japan Indo-Pacific Dialogue, and to continue consultations to establish the "ROK-U.S.-Japan Maritime Security Cooperation Framework."

8. The Vice Ministers and Deputy Secretary discussed ways to secure stable and resilient supply chains through trilateral cooperation. Vice Minister Kim emphasized the importance of monitoring and proactively responding to supply chain disruptions to prevent their impacts on each country's economy and proposed active ROK-U.S.-Japan cooperation, including the early warning system pilot. He also highlighted the significant potential for cooperation among the three innovation-leading countries in the field of artificial intelligence and shared the outcomes of the recent AI Seoul Summit.

9. Finally, the Vice Ministers and Deputy Secretary agreed to make every effort to ensure that the next summit meeting is held at an appropriate time this year. They also agreed to promptly prepare concrete measures to make further progress in institutionalizing ROK-U.S.-Japan cooperation. The three sides decided to hold the next vice foreign ministers' meeting in Seoul in the second half of this year.  /END/