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Press Releases

Korean Government Announces its Plan to Provide Humanitarian Assistance to Address Crisis in Syria


1. Deputy Minister for Multilateral and Global Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Kweon Ki-hwan attended the Eighth Brussels Conference on “Supporting the future of Syria and the region” in Brussels, Belgium, on May 27, where he announced the Korean government's commitment to provide humanitarian assistance to respond to the Syrian crisis.

2. Deputy Minister Kweon expressed concern over the deepening humanitarian crisis caused by the conflict in Syria and announced that Korea plans to provide 26 million U.S. dollars in humanitarian assistance for Syria and its neighboring countries this year. He also emphasized the importance of a political solution to improve the humanitarian situation in line with United Nations Security Council Resolution 2254.

3. Participants in the conference agreed that the international community must remain engaged and provide support to address the Syrian crisis, which is the world's largest refugee crisis. They also emphasized that the international community should continue to work toward a political solution to the crisis so that it can be resolved peacefully. While announcing their respective countries’ plans to provide support, the participants emphasized the importance of supporting efforts for an early recovery and ensuring unimpeded humanitarian access.

4. As a responsible member of the international community and as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council for the 2024-25 term, the Korean government will continue to actively participate in the international community's efforts to support countries suffering from humanitarian crises.