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Deputy Foreign Minister Choi Youngsam Holds Meetings with Ranking Officials of Chinese Foreign Ministry


1. Deputy Foreign Minister for Political Affairs Choi Youngsam held a meeting and then luncheon with Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of China Sun Weidong at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China on Tuesday, July 4. During the meeting, the two sides reviewed the current state of ROK-China relations, including measures implemented by both governments since the inauguration of the new ROK government to manage and foster a stable bilateral relationship.


2. The two sides recognized the importance of delicate efforts to advance bilateral relations with mutual respect and reciprocity, based on the shared commitment to consistently develop bilateral relations affirmed during the Foreign Ministers’ meeting in Qingdao in August and the bilateral summit on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Bali in November last year. 

3. The two sides expressed mutual interest in increasing trade and maintaining supply chains in a stable way, and agreed to put joint efforts into expanding people-to-people and cultural exchanges with the aim to promote long-term and forward-looking bilateral relations. Deputy Foreign Minister Choi specifically sought China’s interest and cooperation in fostering a predictable business environment for Korean businesses and residents in China. 

4. The two sides recalled the Joint Declaration of 1992 in which the ROK and China expressed confidence that the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries would contribute to the alleviation and stabilization of the situation on the Korean Peninsula, and agreed to enhance communication and cooperation regarding the DPRK’s nuclear issue. In particular, Deputy Foreign Minister Choi urged China to play a constructive role in encouraging the DPRK to refrain from provocations and come forward for denuclearization talks. 

5. Vice Foreign Minister Sun explained China’s position on One China, as specified in the past Joint Declarations including the one issued in 1992 for the establishment of diplomatic ties. Deputy Foreign Minister Choi affirmed that the ROK’s position of respecting One China has remained unchanged since the establishment of diplomatic ties. 

6. Later in the day, Deputy Foreign Minister Choi held a meeting with Assistant Foreign Minister Nong Rong, during which they agreed to work together to advance trilateral communication and cooperation among the ROK, China and Japan. 

7. The two sides recognized the significant implications of their meetings and agreed to continue various exchanges and cooperation in the future, including timely communication through diplomatic channels.