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Outcome of ROK Foreign Minister’s Bilateral Meetings with Foreign Ministers of Five ASEAN Countries Held on Sidelines of ASEAN-related Foreign Ministers’ Meetings


1. On the sidelines of the ASEAN-related Foreign Ministers’ Meetings, Minister of Foreign Affairs Cho Tae-yul held a series of bilateral meetings with the Foreign Ministers of five ASEAN countries -- Malaysia, Laos, Indonesia, Brunei, and Singapore -- in Vientiane, Lao PDR, on July 26. In each meeting, they exchanged their views on bilateral relations, regional situations including on the Korean Peninsula, Korea-ASEAN cooperation, and cooperation on the international stage.

2. (Malaysia) Minister Cho and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Malaysia Mohamad bin Hasan agreed to pursue close cooperation between Korea and Malaysia as next year’s chairs of APEC and ASEAN, respectively. Moreover, both ministers decided to continue strengthening substantive cooperation in various fields, such as defense and the defense industry, education, and vocational training, as well as active high-level exchanges.

3. (Laos) In the meeting with the Lao Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Saleumxay Kommasith, Minister Cho congratulated Laos on its ASEAN chairmanship this year and stated that the ROK will actively support Laos in the latter’s efforts to successfully fulfill its chairmanship. Furthermore, both ministers agreed to make the most of the upcoming year (2025), which marks the 30th anniversary of the re-establishment of diplomatic relations, as a great opportunity to further strengthen bilateral relations.

4. (Indonesia) During the meeting with Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno L.P. Marsudi, Minister Cho requested Indonesia's active support and cooperation in establishing the "Korea-ASEAN Comprehensive Strategic Partnership" this year.

ㅇ Additionally, both ministers agreed to further strengthen the "Special Strategic Partnership" between the two countries, focusing on the strategic cooperation projects such as the establishment of an “Electric Vehicle Ecosystem” and the joint development program of fighter jets (KF-21/IF-X).

5. (Brunei Darussalam) In the meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs II of Brunei Darussalam, Erywan Yusof, Minister Cho extended congratulations on the 40th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries and Brunei's 40th anniversary of independence this year. Both ministers agreed to continue strengthening substantive cooperation in various fields, including ICT and the digital sector, response to climate change, and the defense industry.

6. (Singapore) In the run-up to the 50th anniversary of the establishment of ROK-Singapore diplomatic relations in 2025, Minister Cho and Foreign Minister of Singapore Vivian Balakrishnan discussed ways to enhance substantive cooperation through the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) and the Korea-Singapore FTA as well as active high-level exchanges. They also agreed to work closely on the issues related to the Korean Peninsula.

7. Meanwhile, in the meetings with the foreign ministers of the five ASEAN countries, Minister Cho expressed his concerns on North Korea's nuclear and missile provocations as well as its illegal military cooperation with Russia in violation of UN Security Council resolutions, which threaten regional and global peace and stability. He also emphasized that it is important for ASEAN to send a strong message against North Korea's destabilizing act and requested an active role and support of ASEAN countries in this regard.