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Outcome of Korea-Argentina Foreign Ministers' Meeting on Sidelines of G20 Foreign Ministers' Meeting


 1.  On the sidelines of the G20 Foreign Ministers' Meeting 2024, Minister of Foreign Affairs Cho Tae-yul had a meeting with Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship of Argentina Diana Mondino on Thursday, February 22, to exchange views on how to enhance Korea-Argentina cooperation in various sectors.  

2.  Foreign Minister Cho requested cooperation of Argentina for the successful implementation of the latter’s lithium development project, in which Korean companies have made a big investment (an amount of USD 4 billion). Foreign Minister Mondino explained that the lithium production is progressing smoothly, and expressed her expectation that the two countries enhance their cooperation in critical minerals.

3.  Both sides agreed to make concerted efforts toward the conclusion of a Trade and Investment Promotion Framework (TIPF), as well as to jointly explore ways to restart negotiations on a Korea-MERCOSUR free trade agreement (FTA), which have remained suspended for years. In addition, they exchanged views on how to cooperate on the 3rd Summit for Democracy and on the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC).

4.  Foreign Ministers Cho and Mondino, both recognizing the potential for cooperation between the two countries in the fields of the Antarctica, nuclear energy and space, agreed to seek ways to strengthen cooperation in these fields.

5.  Foreign Minister Cho explained recent changes in North Korea's policy toward the Republic of Korea and requested Argentina's unwavering support and cooperation on the ROK’s position for peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula.

6.  This Foreign Ministers' meeting, the first since the inauguration of Argentina's new government last December, is seen to have solidified the foundation for strengthening relations with Argentina, Korea’s traditional ally and a resource-rich country.