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Press Releases

Outcome of ROK-Japan New Cooperation Vision Forum


1. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, together with the Korea National Diplomatic Academy, held the “ROK-Japan New Cooperation Vision Forum” on May 20 (Monday) to review the current state of ROK-Japan relations and discuss the way forward for bilateral cooperation ahead of the 60th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations next year.

※ Event Overview

- Date and Time: May 20 (Mon), 10:00~18:00, Lotte Hotel Sapphire Ballroom

- Participants: Former and current officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Korea-Japan exchange associations, domestic and foreign journalists, academic experts, students, etc.

- Key speakers: (opening remarks) Foreign Minister Cho Tae-yul, (congratulatory remarks) former Ambassador of Korea to Japan Yoo Heung-soo, Chairman of the Korea-Japan Economic Association Kim Yoon, etc.

2. In his opening remarks, Minister Cho explained that the forum was organized to take stock of the current state of ROK-Japan relations and draw the big picture for its future direction, and to make the 60th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic ties between the ROK and Japan next year, another important milestone in seeking a fresh start in bilateral relations.  

3. Minister Cho said that cooperation between the ROK and Japan, with shared values and interests in the face of global polycrisis, is not a matter of choice but a necessity, and emphasized that the two countries have a responsibility to contribute to stability and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region as well as to pool their strengths to tackle a wide range of global issues.

4. Minister Cho also said that as ROK-Japan relations enter “Isun,”* the two countries must seek a path towards more mature good-neighborly relations for the next 60 years. He added that what is most important is to prevent the hard-won momentum for improvement in bilateral relations from being stymied and that the two countries should do so by understanding each other and cherishing and managing their relationship. Furthermore, he called for collective wisdom to ensure that the peoples of the two countries can feel the real benefits of improved ROK-Japan relations.

* A time when Confucius said that his ear was an obedient organ for the reception of truth

5. In his congratulatory remarks, former Ambassador to Japan Yoo Heung-soo noted that cooperation between the ROK and Japan is crucial as the future is more uncertain than ever due to the current, grave international situation, and emphasized the need for the two countries to build a robust bilateral relationship that will never falter.

6. In his congratulatory remarks, Kim Yoon, Chairman of the Korea-Japan Economic Association, noted that the improved bilateral relations have facilitated dialogue between Korean and Japanese businessmen and with Japanese government ministries, and shared the results of the Korea-Japan Business Conference held in Tokyo last week. He went on to emphasize the need for cooperation in technology, economy and supply chains, as well as cooperation to address issues facing both countries, such as the low birthrate and rural decline.

7. Current and former officials and academic experts, who have long been involved in the development of ROK-Japan relations, attended today's forum to exchange in-depth opinions on current ROK-Japan relations and their way forward, and the significance of the 60th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations.

8. In each session, the participants reviewed overall ROK-Japan relations and sought a vision for the future by discussing specific ways for cooperation: Among the topics were ways to expand economic, cultural and people-to-people exchanges, geopolitcs in the Indo-Pacific and ROK-Japan relations, and common challenges of the Korean and Japanese societies and their joint way forward.

9. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs plans to thoroughly prepare for the 60th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations between the ROK and Japan based on various opinions and proposals presented at this forum. In addition, it will continue to communicate with figures from various fields on the occasion of a variety of events to hear opinions on concrete measures for the future-oriented development of ROK-Japan relations.