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Press Releases

ROK-U.S. Director-General-Level Meeting Takes Place to Prepare for Bilateral Senior Economic Dialogue


1. On July 22 (EST), Ms. Lee Miyon, Director-General for Bilateral Economic Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, had a director-general-level meeting in person with Mr. Matthew Murray, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Trade Policy and Negotiations of the U.S. Department of State, in Washington D.C., in order to consult on preparations for the ROK-U.S. Senior Economic Dialogue (SED).


Senior Economic Dialogue (SED): a regular consultation channel to discuss comprehensive economic partnership between MOFA and U.S. DOS, whose establishment was agreed upon at the ROK-U.S. Summit in October 2015


The delegation heads attended the meeting in person in Washington D.C., while relevant ministries and departments mainly participated virtually.


- (U.S.) DOS, DOE, HHS, Treasury, DOC, Office of Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, USAID, USTR


2. At this year’s meeting, held in order to assess the implementation of the economic and substantive deliverables from the ROK-U.S. Summit, the two sides appreciated the evolvement of the Korea-U.S. alliance into a strategic, comprehensive alliance, while broadly reviewing follow-up measures and additional areas of cooperation.


o In particular, the two governments discussed details of mutually beneficial cooperative projects in areas such as supply chains, cutting-edge manufacturing, global vaccine partnership, and advanced science and technology; actively sought joint projects in areas including development, infrastructure, smart city and connectivity, and marine debris in ASEAN and India; and agreed to further strengthen partnerships in global issues such as health security, women’s economic empowerment, energy security and response to climate change.


3. The two sides decided to continue to monitor the smooth implementation of the Summit deliverables, and agreed to continue discussing the hosting of the 6th ROK-U.S. SED in Korea during the second half of this year.